Lab Reports
Please Include the Following Headings in Every Lab Write-up.
Cover Page: 5 pts.
The cover page should have a creative cover with title, date, and roles of each group member plus each group member’s signature. Each group member should read the lab write-up to make sure it is complete and accurate. Last minute addition or suggestions of group members should be welcome from the recorder. The signature of each student signifies that they have read it and made any changes they feel necessary. If this is an individual lab only the title, date and name is required on the cover.
Title: 5 pts.
State the question being asked in the laboratory. The title can creatively explain the concepts or ideas questioned in the laboratory. The title may also be the same as the problem question.
Problem: 5 pts.
States the problem, or question being asked. The independent and independent variable must be stated clearly. The problem must be written in the form of a question.
Hypothesis: 10 pts.
This is an educated guess that attempts to answer the problem. A hypothesis is based on previous knowledge, not on feelings or emotions. A hypothesis must also directly relate to the problem.
Materials: 5 pts.
A list of all the supplies and materials needed to conduct the lab.
Procedure: 5 pts.
An explanation of how the materials were used to attempt to answer the problem. The procedure should be listed as a step by step list.
Observations / Data: 40 pts.
Anything that is perceived by the senses or measured should be included in the observation section. Observations may be written, drawn, photographed, or recorded in some manner. Data should be expressed in graphic form, tables, or other easily understood mediums. Raw data should also be included.
Conclusion: 20 pts.
A judgement based on your observations. Remember the conclusion attempts to answer the problem based on YOUR OBSERVATIONS only. It also states whether the hypothesis is correct or not. An explanation why you believe this particular conclusion is correct should also be included. An explanation of YOUR observations should be included also.
Discussion / Source of Error: 5 pts.
Discussions include any personal information, such as how the team worked, personal problems, or feelings about the lab. The sources of error should be as list of possible errors or things that could change your results without you wanting them to change. The errors do not necessarily have to occur or change your findings. They are listed as sources to help other scientists make changes in their lab design.