0 - 3 points 4 - 6 points 7 - 9 points 10 - 12 points
Active and Inert Chemical Components Six or fewer household products were analyzed; many active and inert chemical components are missing; many errors in the quantities of each chemical Six to nine household products were analyzed; some active and inert chemical components are missing; several errors in the quantities of each chemical Eight to nine household products were analyzed; nearly all active and inert chemical components are represented; quantities of each chemical are accurate Nine household products were analyzed; all active and inert chemical components are represented; quantities of each chemical are accurate
Chemical Formulas Most chemical formulas are inaccurately written or missing; many errors in the elements present and/or the  subscripts Many chemical formulas are inaccurate or missing; many written with the correct the wrong elements and/or subscripts Most chemical formulas are accurately written with the correct elements and subscripts All chemical formulas are accurately written with the correct elements and subscripts
Elements and Atoms Most elements in each chemical formula are not identified; many errors in calculating and/or classifying the number of atoms in each compound (ionic/molecular Many elements in each chemical formula are not identified; many errors in calculating the number of atoms and/or classifying each compound (ionic/molecular) Nearly all elements in each chemical formula are identified; the number of atoms in each compound is mostly correct in calculation and classification All elements in each chemical formula are identified; the number of atoms in each compound is correctly calculated and classified (ionic/molecular)
Presentation of Data and Sources Final product (table, paper, etc.) is unorganized; few sources are cited; necessary data is often missing or inadequate for  chosen chemicals  Final product (table, paper, etc.) is satisfactory in construction, somewhat organized; some sources are cited; some data is missing or inadequate  for chemicals  Final product (table, paper, etc.) is well formulated, mostly organized; sources are cited; most of the necessary data are included for chosen chemicals  Final product (table, paper, etc.) is esthetically pleasing, well organized; all sources are cited; all necessary data are included for all chemicals 
Conclusion Conclusion has many grammatical errors, responses are terse and not well-explained Conclusion has some grammatical errors; responses are satisfactory but not thorough or comprehensive Conclusion has few grammatical errors; responses are thoughtful and thorough Conclusion is grammatically correct; responses to questions are complete, thoughtful, and comprehensive